Vanesa Benković, PhD

Autor: mediaval
event 03.06.2024.

PhD, Novo Nordisk, Public Affairs & Market Access Director

Vanesa Benković is an expert in the field of pharmacoeconomics and health economics. As the Public Affairs and Market Access Director at Novo Nordisk Croatia, she leverages her extensive knowledge to drive strategic initiatives and policy development and enable access of innovative medicines for Croatian patients.

Vanesa holds a degree in Music from the Catholic Theological Faculty in Zagreb, a Master’s in Health Management from the Medical Faculty in Zagreb, and a Ph.D. in Sociology on Health inequalities from the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb, followed by numerous educations in pharmacoeconomics.  

Throughout her career, Vanesa has been committed to advancing the field of health economics and pharmacoeconomics. She holds various lecturer positions on pharmacoeconomics, health economics, and statistics at several universities in Croatia, including Medical Faculty, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry in Zagreb as well as Edward Bernays University College. Being an author of numerous scientific and expert papers in health economics, public health and sociology, she is mentoring students at undergraduated and postgraduate level.

Vanesa had a privilege to be part of many exciting healthcare projects, including the analysis of healthcare outcomes, the design and implementation of research methodologies, and the evaluation of healthcare systems. She has collaborated on several European projects, such as Patient Safety & Quality (PaSQ), Urban Health Centers Europe, Cross-Border Patient Registries Initiative (PARENT), SmartCare, and Carewell. As a passionate advocate for better healthcare systems, she has been involved in various initiatives aimed at improving healthcare outcomes such as projects funded by the World Bank and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, focusing on the effectiveness of healthcare systems in Central and Eastern Europe.

She is very happy to share insights  of her work at Health Comm conference. 

Her goal is to facilitate meaningful discussions and knowledge-sharing among healthcare professionals and policymakers, so that the improvement in healthcare outcomes is based on trust, inclusivity of all stakeholders and above all good data.